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How To Drive ROI With Digital Direct Response & Influencer Marketing — Enduro Power

Writer's picture: Harvest GrowthHarvest Growth

What are the ins and outs of influencer marketing? How do you find the right influencers in a niche market? How can you as a business owner use your background and expertise to help you get success? Harrison Smiddy, Owner & Co-founder of Enduro Power, answers these questions and many more. If you want to learn how to launch a business and grow it exponentially and profitably in the first few months AND continue to scale it from there, you’re going to love this interview with the Owner & Co-founder of Enduro Power Batteries. This is the first podcast interview in our brand new studio, so be sure to check the video interview linked below!

In today’s episode of the Harvest Growth Podcast, we’ll cover:

  • How to get a brand new high price point product to profitably sell via digital direct response and have an ROI that continually climbs

  • Effectively working with influencers to grow your business, from finding the right ones for your audience to training them to ensure their content hits the mark

  • How to use your background and experience to lead to faster success in launching a new business

  • Quality book and podcast recommendations for business owners and entrepreneurs

  • & so much more!


You can listen to the full interview on your desktop or wherever you choose to listen to your podcasts.

Or, watch the full video interview below.


Check out Enduro Power’s full line of products at And, read our case study, "High Price Point Product Sells Via Digital Direct Response."

Do you have a brand that you’d like to launch or grow? Do you want help from a partner that has successfully launched hundreds of brands that now total over $2 billion in revenues? Set up a free strategy call with us today!


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Jon LaClare: If you want to learn how to launch a business and grow it exponentially and profitably in the first few months and to continue to scale it from there, you're going to love this interview with the founder of Enduro Power lithium batteries.

Welcome to another episode of the Harvest Growth Podcast focused on helping consumer product companies inventors and entrepreneurs, harvest the growth potential of their product businesses. As you'll notice for those of you watching in the video, we've finally moved to our new studio. We've been off the air for a few weeks as we've gotten everything ready at this new office location. I'll do another video post we'll actually do an office tour, get to see our full kitchen set, family room, bedroom set, a white cyc wall and green screen. We're excited about all of that so I'll keep our audience posted.

More importantly today we're speaking with one of my favorite clients Harrison Smiddy he's a founder of Enduro Power. You can find his product business at He just happens to live about two miles away from my house in Casa Rock. That's just one of the reasons I really like Harrison. We share a lot of interests one of which is obviously the beautiful place in which we live but the other side is the business side and that's what we're going to talk about today. Harrison, welcome to the show. Thanks so much for joining us today.

Harrison Smiddy: Thanks Jon. Thanks for having me.

Jon: Tell us in our audience about Enduro Power. What is Enduro Power, what do you guys sell?

Harrison: Enduro Power is manufacturer of lithium batteries for RVs, boats, off grid solar installations and also we target the golf cart market as well. When I say fishing boats we're talking about trolling motors so fishermen use them in not only fishing bass boats but also kayaks is a big growing segment as well. There's a big shift into lithium batteries into these applications right now. Some that are immediate and some are over the next 10 to 15 years.

As consumers continue to get more accustomed to using rechargeable batteries, this market is just growing and growing in just about every segment you go after but those are our key target markets that we're focused after. It's exciting, every day we learn something new. We learn more from our customers, from our suppliers and always the product roadmap's always changing because it's just moving that fast. We have an assortment of products in 12 volt, 24 volts and we're introducing some additional voltages as we get into 2022 to hit some of those other key targets that we spoke about.

It's just real exciting. There's a lot of things you can do. The product and the service we provide is not just a sell a widget one and done. Usually somebody purchases it once and they're done but there's a lot of upfront involved research and what the right product is for them. We enjoy that. We take value in our business model that we are able to service that customer spend the time on the phone with them answer their questions and help along in their process to make sure not only to get the right product but they get the right service that they're looking for as well.

Jon: We've worked together for quite a few months and really enjoyed it but I have to say I didn't realize kayaks were part of the target market. Now our team I'm sure knows that. They've been working on a lot of the targeting and are closer to it than I do. What do you use this for in a kayak? What do you use these batteries for in a kayak?

Harrison: First off that kayak was not a part of our target market when we started a year and a half ago. There's things you learn along the way but there's a big move into kayaks. If you're in the fish community, fishing kayaks first will allow you to get into area that you can't get a large 16, 22 foot boat. It allows you to get into lower, shallower water and just fish different areas. Smaller lakes, ponds you just drop in a kayak that obviously can never launch a boat into.

That in itself has always been there but with the interjection of lithium batteries people are throwing trolling motors onto the batteries and get into these bodies of waters and they don't have to paddle. They don't have to use their feet to move. They don't have to use oars to move. It's a really booming booming segment and that's from fresh water to salt water, East Coast to West Coast, anywhere in the country, big market.

Jon: Just for our audience's benefit you'll say this better than me but there is the use of powering motors like you just mentioned trolling motors et cetera. There's also the use of powering everything else I know like in the camper space for example, it's not going to drive your camper especially a trailer forward in anyway but it powers everything else which could be a lot of different things in that space as well.

I know you have a passion for the outdoors and that certainly helps as you mentioned, you didn't know that kayak could be such a big business but a lot of the other parts of this you did. I think going in because you are familiar with your own industry especially camping and just general outdoors, how has that helped you to be successful pretty quickly with this business being so familiar with who your target market is?

Harrison: Yes, definitely. RV was probably our number one target market going into this that being that I'm an avid RV camper outdoorsman myself. My business partner is as well. As you said, an RV is basically a home on wheels. If you're plugged into your house or a campground, it has somewhat creature comforts of of your home. However, if you you drive away it doesn't have the capabilities of powering microwaves, running big large loads like air conditioners and things like that.

However, with the right batteries and especially with lithium batteries and the right equipment you can run all that equipment. You can throw solar panels on to recharge. There's endless opportunities you can do to upgrade an RV to do all those things if you choose to do it, but there's not one right or wrong way to do it. You can do all that. You could do none of it or you could be a million places in between. The lithium batteries have an advantage over their predecessors and a lead acid or an AGM battery we're used to which is what you see in your car most of the time.

They just don't have the maintenance requirement that an older battery has. Because of that, we're humans, humans start off great maintaining things but after time goes by we forget. Other things distract us and take our attention away and then those old batteries we don't maintain them and they become useless after a year or two years rather than the five years that they should have last. A lithium battery you don't have to maintain it. If you forget, life takes advantage of you and you move on doing something else, the lithium battery is pretty much going to take care of itself. It allows you to do a lot more, have less stress and spend more time in the outdoors and explore and fuel your adventure.

Jon: I think part of it you alluded to is understanding the business the uses for the product. It helps you in the marketing, messaging in general but one benefit that I've seen as well is you've had a lot of success working with influencers where they've helped promote the brand beyond just the standard paid campaign that we've had great success with as well on Facebook, Instagram et cetera but getting influencers and finding the right ones to work with. It's not always easy.

You hear these stories about influencers that create a business get it off the ground. It's only one facet of your success so far but I think one of the reasons it's been so successful already and so quickly I think is you know who to target right? You're not wasting dollars on the wrong influencers or the wrong people out there that don't fit your audience. What are your thoughts on that? Just in terms of how you've been able to target the right people that really speak to your true audience?

Harrison: I think that's a great topic and by no means are we perfect. We've sent product out to some influencers that I wouldn't say we haven't heard from them but they had a huge account and then their platform they were on shut them down, had nothing to do with us but they shut down and boom they have no audience for us anymore. There's definitely a learning curve I think for anybody as you start to work with influencers. For sure, definitely knowing who it is you're looking for and what type of message you're looking to convey.

Enduro Power, the brand, we're a lifestyle brand. For us, it's all about branding. Just even a year ago there were a couple dozen lithium batteries in the market in the space we're in. Now I know there's 50 or 60 different products out there that are doing about the same thing. Now half of those are direct factory, direct brands some really low price points probably won't be here in two to three years, obviously selling a lot of volume today.

A lot of that's pretty much sold through Amazon, totally different business strategy. We're developing a brand for the long-term and the people that are buying our products are looking for somebody they can trust, rely on. We tout a 10 year warranty like most of our competitors and said okay, I could buy something for $300 less but in four three years when I need help is that person going to be here? Is Enduro Power going to be here to stand behind me?

Finding influencers that have that following, they create content that is educational, helpful, genuine. They usually have followers that enjoy that type of content. We've found that that type of authentic approach is definitely the solid recipe for success of our influencer marketing.

Actually, I was just reviewing a video this morning from I think it's Fishing the Lonestar down in Texas, and the guy's just really authentic. Enduro Power was there, the product was in the video multiple times, but he just said the lithium battery for the first six minutes never even said our brand name, which was just great versus some other content creators is like, Enduro Power, Enduro Power, Enduro Power, and then it's like, "Oh, it feels like a commercial." It's great, but it felt like a commercial. It takes time to figure that out.

I think knowing what you want for your brand and where you want it to be, not just this month, this quarter, but what are you trying to build? Where do you want to be? This is a business we're trying to build over 3, 5, 8, 10-plus years. We're not just trying to sell the widget for the next one or two years.

I understand that obviously, there's lots of consumer products. I've been involved in a lot of consumer product launches that are one or two-year launch. Tailor it to what you're looking to do if you have something that's just needs to hit hard now for a year and take advantage of a trend, then an influencer just has a lot of followers and just can get your message out there it's great. For us, it's about finding that long-term relationship.

Jon: Well said. Another pitfall I've seen a lot of businesses fall into when dealing with influencers specifically, you talked a lot about the benefits of them. One of the issues or risks is you send them product, ask them to do a video, and they totally miss the mark on the messaging, or frankly, even how to use the product sometimes and it becomes a waste. They maybe get out to their audience, but we want content typically from influencers that we can repurpose and add into a paid campaign as well as grow within. It's not just about talking positively about your product or about the line of products, but it's also about really understanding it.

I'll just ask the question, I know part of the answer and you haven't done this certainly with every influencer, but with a couple of them, you've actually taken a trip and gone out there and really helped them to really understand. I think that's not necessary always, but for the first couple until you get that story out, making sure it's right because now you can send that as an example like, "Hey, here's how you use it," all that kind of stuff. How did you find that your direct interaction, whether it's in-person, or whether it's over Zoom has really been helpful and making sure that they get this story right?

Harrison: I agree. Maybe two examples. One is I think it's important to create, I'll call it, a cheat sheet. I don't know what the right word is for it, but something about what your brand is, what your position is, the dos and the don'ts. For example, it's very easy to call us Enduro Batteries, Enduro Batteries, but we actually are in Enduro Power Lithium Batteries. We're very clear and upfront in our conversations with them and also any constant or any literature we provide them Enduro Power, Enduro Power, Enduro Power. We don't want them to have to create some great content and then it just says Enduro.

In some case is okay throwing an Enduro here or there and the whole context thing is fine, but really making sure there's the dos and don'ts, understanding what are the key benefits? What are the key reasons to buy for Enduro Power over our competition? For example, we have a 25% smaller case size the majority of our competitors, which is a big benefit for our viewers that space is a premium. Sometimes if you're going into the kayak, you might have a small space. Those are the things.

There's a couple of two or three key benefits and the reasons of buy we want them to cover on. That little cheat sheet I think is great. It's like one, maybe a two-pager something that you probably are going to cover off on a phone call, but you probably miss it all and when they're sitting back there about to create their content, they can just read through, "Okay, yes. I need to do this, maybe do that."

That's worked out really well. The other thing is as you were talking about taking the time, investing the time to go out a couple of key influencers, I love that, I love being out hands-on. That's just my personality. Once this business is fully up and running, I'd love to just be doing that stuff all the time and with the team, run the business, and getting out there and just working with our users. You learn things. You learn things about what the new product's going to be.

I'll do a little side thing here. We're talking about the background later on, but when I first started my career, I was at Rubbermaid and I was in marketing. We were in the office attached to a factory and I always told my vice president of market and say, "Hey, I want to go off the factory and walk the floor." He's like, "Why do you want to do that?" I'm like, "That's where you learn. That's where you learn what goes on."

I had just come from a year out in the field working with customers at Lowe's stores in the State of Florida. You just learn things from customers, from store associates, just seeing things happen and it's the same thing with Enduro Power getting out with those influencers and spending time with them, not only to educate them on what Enduro Power is, what are the key things to say, but you're listening to them. You're listening to what's going on in real-life situations. I really like that.

I just got back last week from a huge investment in time to an influencer. They happen to be in Tucson at the time, they are full-time, they roam around, but we have a really, really big video that's going to go out probably early 2022 where they have just done some insane upgrades to their RV. Enduro Power obviously is helping out. We invested in providing all the batteries for this very massive battery bank. For some of you techies out there, it's 30.7-kilowatt-hours of battery which is it's a lot of batteries. They've done a lot of other cool things that are actually the bigger focus of the video and Enduro Power will be such subtly the power source of everything that's going on.

This person had the vision of what they wanted to do, but they had no skill set to understand all the components that connect the battery and convert the power from a battery to run ACs and connect their solars and all these things, they didn't know how to do it. They had a great vision, they had the budget, they had all this grand plan, but they needed somebody to pull together and I stepped up to the plate and said, "Okay, I spent a lot of time." I had to procure product, I had to tell them what to go get, I had to lay out schematics, and I went down there. It was supposed to be a seven-day commitment. It ended being almost a 12-day commitment.

I don't know if that's really-- At this early on in the business definitely worth the time because I'm highly confident that the views on this video will be well into the 300,000 in the potential over 1 million based on this YouTuber in the past and other videos. Not saying people should go out and spend that much time. Most of the time, I'm pretty positive I'll get a solid ROI on that.

As you said, Jon, not only is it good for our business. I think calculated, it's going to be a great return on investment, but in the process, I learned things in the install that I ran into issues and learned things that the next person that calls us on the phone will be able to help them move through any issues they had that maybe we didn't know prior to that experience. It's good.

I think those are two things, that cheat sheet and then spending some time with key influencers, and I'll add one last thing. We're sponsoring the University of Tennessee Fishing Club. I'm an alum from the University of Tennessee. Once I got in the realm and somebody introduced me to the Florida State fishing team, I'm like, "Oh, hold on, hold on. Let's do this with Tennessee." Didn't even know they had a fishing club, reached out to them, got involved, going to be their title sponsor, send a couple of the key guys, some batteries.

At the end of the day, it's like, "Hey, these are college kids. Are they really going to influence the person that's got a $30,000 bass boat that has money to buy a $1,000 battery?" Probably not, but I went down that path and it ends up that one of those kids' father-in-law is a big fishing guide up near Lake Geneva in Wisconsin and installs batteries on about 200 boats per year. Him and I get on the phone for two hours and now he's basically helping with our product roadmap for the whole fishing segment.

The lesson learned there is you never know where you're going to make a connection. In this case, I just went with my gut, which is it was the right thing to do for the brand and for the business and it's opened up a whole new opportunity for us.

Jon: That's awesome. I love the quote that's something like hard work leads to good luck essentially. It's getting your name out there in many different ways. Not all of them are going to hit. You can't count on every single-- Especially in a marketing world, marketing activity to work well, but you do several like this, you're going to come across amazing opportunities, a lot of good opportunities, and a couple like that, that just are much bigger than you expect. It just comes down to spending time, sometimes spending a little bit of money, and really just pushing yourself forward and getting out there.

Let me take a break for a second to share a quick message from one of our sponsors. This is one that we've worked a lot with as we helped Harrison design their website on the Shopify platform. There's a reason that over 1.7 million e-commerce businesses trust Shopify to handle everything from marketing and payments, to secure checkout and shipping. Dozens of our clients including Endura Battery have built on this platform and we've seen great success. One of the reasons is because they connect so well Shopify sites with Facebook, Instagram, from a communication standpoint, et cetera.

For a limited time, we can actually help you get your first month free. If you'd like to try out Shopify, it's usually a savings about 79 bucks. Just reach out to somebody in our to learn more.

Harrison: We had an influencer that we onboarded, we gave them battery, I think we even invested in a battery monitor and something. About $1,000 totally invested in into them. On the surface, they looked like this exactly our demographic, they've great, beautiful organic content and like a couple of weeks went by, we haven't heard from them and we're like, Hey, should we reach out to them?

This question of like, what's the cadence and how much should you be pushing an influence or once you've onboarded them to make sure they're doing what we've agreed upon, mutually agreed on doing. Every week it was like, okay, it's been about five weeks can maybe give them a little nudge, drop a little email. He was like, "Ah, it's not my highest priority right now, let me just let it go," and then boom. On Saturday we get an email from him, it's like this beautiful four-minute video and it's like epic drone footage, just phenomenal with great imagery and so it's like my gut feeling of like, these people are going to deliver. I'm not worried about it.

Now you have to decide that there's some people you go after and like go out and get 500,000 followers on X platform, and you might look at a concept like, okay, this person's great, are they really going to follow up? You might have to follow up with that person, but there's certain people you're like, okay, they're going to deliver just give them the time. I think especially those people you feel that way, give them the space because they're going to give you that content.

Now you obviously have a basic contract or something in place to, if time goes by and you give it a couple of nudges is out there, you can pick up the phone, you have that conversation but I guess my point here is, you sometimes want to give those influencers the space to create their content.

Jon: Yes. You got to remember they are creatives at the end of the day, right? They're not all-- Some are great at business, but some of the reason they're so successful sometimes is because they're creative people at the end of the day. Sometimes that comes with not meeting [chuckles] deadlines on time or whatever, but if it comes out at the end of the day, their creative is awesome, it's worth it. Good point.

We've talked a lot about influencers how to find them, how to train them, how to make sure they work well, and there's obviously other things that are driving your- what I call crazy high ROIs, the great success you've had with your business. What else do you think is driving your success?

Harrison: I guess this is a good point for me to tell you a little bit about my background. I've had a vision and dream to start my own business for close to 20 years, I've been in 2000 wellness. My first job went right into consumer goods, and it was about 2000-- No, it was about 2005 or 2004. Sorry, 2004, when I had experience.

I was doing sales, I was at Lowe's Home improvement about to go into a pitch to a buyer, and there was another young guy in there about to do the same and he was about my age, mid-twenties. They had a successful product and like, "Oh, tell me about it how'd you do it?" You know, and he's like, "Yes, my buddy had this great idea and he brought me on to do sales." It's just the two of them, they're just crushing it in this product back in the early 2000s.

It was that day when I walked out of there, it's like, I'm going to take everything I'm doing from product marketing to product development. My desire to go to the factory and learn what things, how things are done, interacting with consumers, obviously there's a brand piece of it. It was at that point in time, like probably around 2004, when I said there will be a day when I launched a product on my own.

In the point of bringing that up, that was 2004. This is now 2021, and this idea for Enduro Power started in 2022 so there was a 16-year gap there that I went from. I'm going to do this to here's the concept. Here's what I want to go, and so all the ways along through my career, I'm always looking these things might work, but it's like, well, that doesn't make sense. That's not going.

With Enduro Power, it was a couple of things for me, obviously being very passionate about the products. I'm an avid RVer, that's what got me into lithium batteries and introduced what I added solar and started wanting to power air conditioners and things. Just went down that rabbit hole.

I did have a background in batteries. I headed up marketing for Rayovac Batteries, for four or five years prior to that, so that with passion of it I had some-- Once I've dove into it, on my personal level add some, I wouldn't say unpleasant experiences, but like learning curves of the price that I did purchase and like, man, this could be done better. I just went down the rabbit hole and I started talking to suppliers and found out that like, wow, the standard cost of this is X. The retails are here. Okay.

There's decent margins, then I started looking at the competition was out there and the pros and cons to who was out there and what they're doing and what their target markets were, their strengths were. It was like, "Man, there's a lot of opportunity here." Then a couple, or a lot of people when they're certain consumer goods businesses, these days are obviously looking at Amazon. I had a little background in Amazon, and in seller central and did some research there. I forget it, but like one of the rating scores for the category was a little bit more appealing than widget A or widget B that's out there. It just confirmed a lot of things to me is like, wow, great opportunity.

Now the biggest barrier to entry in the business we're in is capital. If you want to get into this business, I want to have a couple of hundred batteries sitting on the floor to be able to ship out the customer, I need a couple hundred thousand dollars to be able to have the inventory there, let alone all the other things to start the business. All those things combined, there's a great opportunity because you aren't going to have the competitors flooding in, just doing their overnight Amazon business because it's a huge outlay to get into it. I take all of that 16 years of knowledge along with the past year and a half journey, to get to the point where we said, Enduro Power is what we're going to do.

That's a little quick overview of what we've got, how we got into it. Then as I've moved into it, it's like, it's not just RV, it's fishing, it's golf cart, and by the way, I was an Avid Fisher growing up, I don't fish as much now, but I was when I grew up, spent a lot of time on a bass boat. I'm a big golfer, I spent a lot of time on golf carts so it's so fun now to be involved and talk to people that do all the things that I love to do. I have this vision that 3-5 years from now, I'll just play with all these people [laugh] having fun.

Jon: That's great. Yes. No, I think that's maybe one of the reasons I think we get along so well is our backgrounds are similar. I did know something similar, where I started off with big consumer packaged goods companies at Kraft, and then OxiClean before starting my own thing.

I think there's something there in terms of bringing wisdom. You can bring intelligence, you can bring tenacity to it and that's all-important, but wisdom comes with some time, it doesn't have to be 16 years for sure, but I think there's value in whatever our field is. We've got some listeners that are just wanting to get into this market of launching their own product and experience can be helpful.

At the same time, we've got some clients that start young and find success fast and that's great, but there's a difference. There's a difference in terms of the decisions you can make on your own, you know you're very wise in the way you run the business. Others may, you need to build a bigger team around them to fill in some gaps that they might have, et cetera.

Let me ask you, is advice for our audience, again for product marketers, inventors, entrepreneurs? Are there any resources that you use in your life that you recommend could be a book or podcast, or anything that's influenced you and you feel has helped you to be successful?

Harrison: Well, first off, very open book that I am not a huge book reader, except the light bulb went off. I re-invented myself, maybe two and a half years ago, which is actually definitely what spurred me into where I'm at today. It was actually, I have to give a credit, a little bit of credit to a guy named Benjamin Hardy. He has a program called AMP10X.

It was just basically about everybody knows what they need to do, but he's basically coaching me as like a business coach of like, here are the basic principles to having a functional day, a functional week, the functional month and year. I won't dive much different there, but his Podcast, his YouTube videos, the things he does and he ultimately has two books that we read a month.

As I said before, I don't read books, I can't read a book. I read a book, I fall asleep and so my wife said, "Hey, you should listen to Podcasts or listening to audiobooks" Sorry, audiobook, and so I downloaded these books. Then still, it's tough like, listening to a book while I'm doing something else, you forget what's going on. Well, I'm an avid athlete, I run, I cycle, mountain bike, whatever it is I swim, you do all those things through audiobooks.

I found for me, since that's such a big thing for me, while I'm working out, if I'm listening to an audiobook, it is amazing. Because one, I'm out there doing what I need as a part of my daily routine, which is a part of this whole thing but two, when I'm listening to rich content like that, while I'm working out, my brain just soaks it up like a sponge can't do it any other time of day. It's pointless for me to listen to it while I'm just going in the car doing the things because my brain focuses on other things but while I'm working out for me, it is just an amazing way to absorb that content.

Over the last two years, I've read over 25 books, I've listened to over 25 books. I would say two that really stick out to me. One is called the Miracle Morning, by I think it's Hal Elrod and without getting into detail, that it's just basically like, have a plan for the morning, have that routine, don't roll over, hit the snooze, roll down through a Facebook feed or something like that. If you know, from the night before, here, the two or three things I need to do in the morning, along with some of the basic routine you have reminds, it's like I got to get out the door, I got to work out. As soon as I work out, come back, everything else for the day is phenomenal. Miracle Morning, I recommend checking that out.

One other one that's podcast/now audiobook that I think it's great for the consumer, anybody in consumer goods, is How I Built This by Guy Roz. Obviously, he's been around for a while and has a great podcast out there but he released a book, I think about a year ago. I'm not exaggerating when I say I've listened to it seven times because there are probably like 24 different little segments throughout the thing and it's covering different areas.

If you're launching a consumer good product, there's five, six, maybe 10 plus segments, you're going to just resonate with you or give you a little bit of encouragement in the part of the business that you may not be paying a lot of attention to, and you need to and it might give you that motivation. Those are two quick ones I'd throw out there.

Jon: Awesome. I'm going to add you guys, we get this out. I think this has been a great interview, I'm going to add your interview on our show and my recommendations to others as well. If you're looking to learn on how to get started, how to launch, you've been really inspirational for our audience so thanks, Harrison. Is there anything I didn't ask you that you think it'd be helpful for our audience?

Harrison: Knowing and doing enough research to understand who you think and believe your target market is I think it's really key. When you're getting out and getting started, I think most of us that start a new product or an invention, we come from a point of passion and a point of our own experience. As a lifetime product marketer, it's really important to put your own biases aside. There's definitely a market just like you the person's passion about it, but there might be bigger markets out there. Take that time to really understand your target market as you develop that brand in the launch.

Jon: That's great advice, Harrison. Thanks so much. I really appreciate your time.

For the listeners, I encourage you to go to we'll put the URL in the show notes as well so if you're driving go check out the show notes later on so you can find it. Even if you're not in the market for buying lithium batteries it's just a great-- it's a great way to see what work Harrison has done he's put a great site together, great business together, go check it out, I encourage you.

Also, be sure to check out to see other episodes we've recorded, and if you liked this episode, want to learn more about how you can profitably grow your consumer product business. Please subscribe to our show and leave us a review on iTunes and Google Play. Thanks so much.


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